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Adding and updating conferences

The information required to add or update a conference is nearly identical. Refer to these topics for details:

Adding a conference

To add a conference:

  1. Go to Conferences > Conference list.
  2. In the Add new conference section, select the required conference template from the Template for new conference drop down list and click Add conference to display the Add conference page. (See Using conference templates for more information on conference templates.
  3. Complete the fields referring to the table below for the most appropriate settings for the conference. Note that the defaults that appear on the Add conference page are controlled by the conference's template. You can change these settings as required.
  4. Click Add conference to add the conference and return to the Conference List. The recently added conference appears either in the Active or Scheduled Conferences depending on its scheduled start time.

Ad hoc conferences (if you allow them) are added by users in the auto attendant.

Updating a conference

To update an existing conference:

  1. Go to Conferences.
  2. Click a Conference name and then click the Configuration tab.
  3. Edit the fields referring to the table below for the most appropriate settings for the conference.
  4. Click Update conference to add the conference and return to the Conference List. The updated conference appears either in the Active or Scheduled Conferences depending on its scheduled start time.

Ad hoc conferences

The following settings can be updated for existing ad hoc conferences:

See the table below for more information:

Field Field description Usage tips

The name that users will see on auto attendant screens and on the MCU's web interface.

Conference names must be unique; conferences cannot share names.

Only scheduled conferences have a configurable Name. Ad hoc conferences use the 'conference number' entered by the participant who has created the conference as the Name and this is not configurable after the conference has been created.


Additional information about the conference, which can assist users joining conferences.

Use the description to provide more detailed information about the conference than the name alone conveys.

This is an optional field for scheduled conferences; ad hoc conferences cannot be given a description by default.

Numeric ID

The unique identifier used for dialing in to the conference (as a chairperson participant) using an auto attendant or through an H.323 gatekeeper or SIP registrar.

For more information about chairpersons and guests, refer to Using IDs and PINs.

When connected to an auto attendant, participants can join a conference by typing its numeric identifier.

If you plan to allow audio-only participants, then you will need to enter either a Numeric ID or a Guest numeric ID.

If H.323 gatekeeper registration is enabled for a conference, the MCU attempts to register the conference with an E.164 telephone number, which is comprised of the Registration prefix and the numeric identifier.

If SIP registration is enabled for a conference, then the Numeric ID is registered with the SIP registrar.

Conferences that are simultaneously active must not share a Numeric ID. For example, a conference on a Tuesday and a conference on a Thursday can share a Numeric ID, whereas two permanent conferences cannot share a Numeric ID. The same number can be used for the Guest numeric ID, if there are two different PINs. Additionally, because the numeric identifier is used in gatekeeper registration, conferences and auto attendants cannot share a numeric identifier value.

For more information, refer to Using IDs and PINs.

For ad hoc conferences created via the auto attendant, the number allocated by the conference creator becomes the Numeric ID. If ad hoc conferences are registered with the gatekeeper and /or SIP registrar, participants can dial in using this number. Note that the actual number that H.323 participants will dial depends on whether prefixes are used in the Settings > Gatekeeper page.

You cannot configure the Numeric ID of an ad hoc conference; the Numeric ID of an ad hoc conference is set by the conference creator as the "conference number" at the time the conference is created.


Provides a level of security to conference access.

If a conference has a PIN set, users cannot join the conference or change its configuration without entering the correct PIN. Depending on the conference settings, it may be possible for participants to join a conference as a chairperson (using the Numeric ID and PIN), or as a guest (using the Guest numeric ID and Guest PIN).

For an ad hoc conference, you can configure a PIN both at the time of conference creation and also while the conference is running. You can also force ad hoc conference creators to use a PIN (controlled on the Settings > Conferences page).

Guest numeric ID

The unique identifier used for dialing in to the conference (as a guest participant) using an auto attendant or through an H.323 gatekeeper or SIP registrar.

For more information about chairpersons and guests, refer to Using IDs and PINs.

When connected to an auto attendant, participants can join a conference by typing its Guest numeric ID.

If you plan to allow audio-only participants, then you will need to enter either a Numeric ID or a Guest numeric ID.

If H.323 gatekeeper registration is enabled for a conference, and you have entered a Guest numeric ID, the MCU attempts to register the conference with an E.164 telephone number, which is comprised of the Registration prefix and the Guest numeric ID.

If SIP registration is enabled for a conference, and you have entered a Guest numeric ID, then the Guest numeric ID is registered with the SIP registrar.

Conferences that are simultaneously active must not share a Numeric ID. For example, a conference on a Tuesday and a conference on a Thursday can share a Numeric ID, whereas two permanent conferences cannot share a Numeric ID. The same number can be used for the Guest numeric ID, if there are two different PINs. Additionally, because the numeric identifier is used in gatekeeper registration, conferences and auto attendants cannot share a numeric identifier value.

For more information, refer to Using IDs and PINs.

Ad hoc conferences cannot be configured with Guest numeric IDs or Guest PINs.

Guest PIN

Provides secure access to conferences for guest participants.

If a conference has a PIN set, users cannot join the conference or change its configuration without entering the correct PIN. Participants joining as guests have restricted privileges. For more information, refer to Using IDs and PINs.

Ad hoc conferences cannot be configured with Guest numeric IDs or Guest PINs.


The owner of the conference, usually the user ID of the user account that the person who scheduled the conference logged in with.

You may or may not be able to change the conference owner, depending on your privilege level. See Conference ownership for additional information.

This setting does not apply to ad hoc conferences.

Numeric ID registration

Enables the MCU to attempt to register the Numeric ID and/or Guest numeric ID with the configured H.323 gatekeeper and/or SIP registrar.

To globally enable the MCU to allow conferences to register to the SIP registrar, go to Settings > SIP and select Allow numeric ID registration for conferences.

To globally enable the MCU to allow conferences to register to the gatekeeper, go to Settings > H.323 and select Allow numeric ID registration for conferences.

This setting applies to both the Numeric ID and Guest numeric ID (if you have set both). For more information, refer to Using IDs and PINs.

For ad hoc conferences, whether or not they are registered with the gatekeeper and/or SIP registrar depends on the Numeric ID registration setting on the ad hoc conferences template. You can edit the Numeric ID registration setting for individual active ad hoc conferences. For more information about templates, see Using conference templates.

For scheduled conferences, whether or not they are registered with the gatekeeper and/or SIP registrar depends on the configuration of the individual conference's Numeric ID registration setting.

When only guests remain

Controls what happens to the conference when the last participant with chairperson status leaves the conference. The options are:

  • Disconnect all participants: this is the default option. When the last participant with chairperson status leaves the conference, all other participants will be disconnected
  • Take no action: all participants may continue the conference until the last one disconnects

This setting applies to scheduled conferences that include guest participants (that is, those who have joined the conference using the Guest numeric ID, or a cascade link on the master MCU).

For more information about chairpersons and guests, refer to Using IDs and PINs.

Automatic lecture mode

Automatic lecture mode is most useful when the conference is a lecture. The setting allows the lecturer (chair) to be shown in full-screen view to the students. In this mode, the lecturer will continue to see their normal (continuous presence) view. That is, the lecturer will see the students (guests) and not himself.

The MCU identifies the lecturer as being the loudest speaker and controls the layout seen by the other participant according to which mode is selected here.

Select from:

  • Disabled: Automatic lecture mode is disabled.
  • Type 1: The speaker sees continuous presence (or their custom layout) and all participants see the guest who is speaking (be they a chair or a guest).
  • Type 2: All guests including the speaker see the last chair who spoke full screen. All chairs will see their custom layout.

If you have configured a custom layout for the lecturer, that will override the normal continuous presence view. For the other participants (the students), the view of the lecturer (the loudest speaker) overrides any custom layout.

During Type 1 lecture mode, whoever is the loudest speaker is seen full screen when all chairs have left the conference leaving only guests, the loudest speaker sees the continuous presence screen layout and can modify the layout whereas the other participants see the loudest speaker and cannot change the layout.

During Type 2 lecture mode, when all chairs have left the conference leaving only guests, the guests see a normal continuous presence view of each other and can then modify their layout.

Note that you can use the conference's Mute on join setting together with the settings for the lecturer's endpoint's Initial audio status to ensure that the full screen view does not get needlessly interrupted.

If you disable Automatic lecture mode, this change will take effect immediately, that is, the layout changes from full screen to continuous presence (or custom layout).

For ad hoc conferences, you can configure Automatic lecture mode through the ad hoc conferences template. You can also edit the Automatic lecture mode setting for individual active ad hoc conferences.

Timeout for Type 1 automatic lecture mode one

This option is enabled if Type 1 automatic lecture mode is selected. The option determines how quickly the loudest speaker will appear in full-screen view to the other participants. Choose from:

  • Immediately: As soon as the MCU identifies a participant as the loudest speaker, the MCU will show that participant in full screen to the other participants in the conference. The loudest speaker will continue to see their normal continuous presence conference view. If another participant interrupts the loudest speaker, that participant becomes the loudest speaker and will be seen in full screen by the other participants (and that participant will see their normal continuous presence view).
  • After 10 seconds: When the MCU identifies a participant as the loudest speaker, if that participant continues to be the loudest speaker for 10 seconds then the MCU will show that participant in full screen view to the other participants. The loudest speaker will continue to see their normal continuous presence conference view. If another participant interrupts the loudest speaker, everyone will immediately see their normal continuous presence view. If the interrupter continues to speak for 10 seconds, the MCU identifies that participant as the loudest speaker who will then be shown in full screen to the other participants (and the new loudest speaker will continue to see their normal continuous presence view).
  • After 30 seconds: As for After 10 seconds, but the MCU waits for 30 seconds before showing the loudest speaker in full screen view.
  • After 1 minute: As for After 10 seconds, but the MCU waits for one minute before showing the loudest speaker in full screen view.
  • Disabled: The loudest speaker will not be shown in full screen view to the other participants. All conference participants will see the normal continuous presence conference view, or a custom layout if one has been specified.



Indicates the visibility of the conference on the auto attendant and the web interface. The options are:

  • Public: the conference will be listed in the auto attendant and be visible to all users of the web interface
  • Private: the conference will not be listed in any auto attendant except for auto attendants specifically set to show it. The conference will also only be visible in the web interface to the conference owner and to the admin user

For private conferences not visible on an auto attendant, participants will still be able to join the conference if they know the PIN.

Note that only admin users can choose which conferences are visible on a given auto attendant.

For ad hoc conferences, you can configure Visibility through the ad hoc conferences template. You can also edit the Visibility setting for individual active ad hoc conferences.

For more information, refer to Adding and updating an auto attendant.


The encryption setting for this conference, if you have the encryption feature key enabled.

If encryption is enabled unit-wide/blade-wide (through the Settings > Encryption page), you can set one of:

  • Required: encryption must be used for this conference
  • Optional: encryption is optional for this conference
For ad hoc conferences, you can configure encryption through the ad hoc conferences template. You can also edit the Encryption setting for individual active ad hoc conferences.

This setting is grayed-out if encryption is disabled on the Settings > Encryption page.

Note that to be able to use encryption, the Encryption feature key must be present on the MCU.

Invite pre-configured participants

Indicates when the MCU should invite any pre-configured endpoints into a conference. The options are:

  • At the start of the conference
    Pre-configured participants will be called as soon as the conference starts.
  • When at least one other participant is present
    Pre-configured endpoints will only be called after at least one other participant joins the conference.

Select which option fits your requirements best. Calling pre-configured endpoints at the start of the conference is most appropriate for repeating conferences with a particular start time.

Calling pre-configured endpoints when at least one other participant is present is most appropriate for permanent conferences; such conferences are typically un-attended for much of the time, and it may only be useful to invite pre-configured endpoints when others are present.

This setting only applies to scheduled conferences.

Mute on join
  • Audio: Check the box to mute the audio coming from endpoints that call in to this conference.
  • Video: Check the box to stop the video coming from endpoints that call in to this conference.

Participants who call in will have the selected channels muted as they join the conference. This setting does not apply when the MCU calls out to preconfigured endpoints or ad hoc participants.

You can edit this setting on conference templates, preconfigured conferences, or active conferences.

If you want ad hoc conferences to use this option by default, configure the Mute on join settings of the ad hoc conferences template.

Note that there are corresponding settings called Initial audio to MCU and Initial video to MCU that you can set for ad hoc participants and preconfigured endpoints. If either the endpoint's configuration or the conference's configuration requires that a media channel from the endpoint is muted when it joins the conference, then that channel will be muted. There is no precedence between these corresponding settings.

Refer to Adding participants, Configuring an H.323 endpoint, or Configuring a SIP endpoint for more information.

To toggle the mute on a participant's media channel during a conference, you can go to Conferences, click the name of the conference, and then click the participant name to bring up its status pages. Refer to Viewing the conference participant list for more information.

Adaptive Gain Control on join Defines whether or not endpoints use Adaptive Gain Control (AGC) when they first join the conference. Check the box to enable AGC by default for endpoints joining this conference.

This is the conference-wide setting. There is a corresponding Initial Adaptive Gain Control setting on the endpoint configuration, or ad hoc participant configuration, which can override the conference-wide setting on an individual basis.

Any manual changes to the participant volume will turn AGC off for that participant. You can manually enable or disable AGC for a participant that is already in the conference, on the Conference > Participants > <Name> > Audio page.

Start locked

Choose from:

  • Unlocked: the conference is not locked.
  • Locked: the conference is locked from the start of the conference and only preconfigured participants can join.
Maximum video participants

When the MCU is not in port reservation mode, this parameter sets a limit on the number of endpoints which can connect to the conference as video participants.

A participant counts (as a single unit) towards the video limit whether the MCU is sending a video stream to that participant or a video stream is being received.

If you do not want to limit the number of participants who can join this conference and use video, leave this field blank.

This field is only shown if the MCU is not in port reservation mode.

This field only applies to scheduled conferences.

Maximum audio-only participants

When the MCU is not in port reservation mode, this parameter sets a limit on the number of endpoints which can connect to the conference as audio-only participants.

A participant counts (as a single unit) towards the audio limit whether the MCU is sending an audio stream to that participant or an audio stream is being received.

If you do not want to limit the number of participants who can join this conference to use just audio, leave this field blank.

This field is only shown if the MCU is not in port reservation mode.

This field only applies to scheduled conferences.

Video ports to reserve

In port reservation mode, this parameter specifies the number of video ports to reserve.

A participant counts (as a single unit) towards the video reservation value whether the MCU is sending a video stream to that participant or a video stream is being received.

This value is both a reservation and a limit; the MCU guarantees that this many video participants can connect to the conference, but no more than this will be able to join.

This field is only shown if the MCU is in port reservation mode.

Audio-only ports to reserve

In port reservation mode, this parameter specifies the number of audio-only ports to reserve.

A participant counts (as a single unit) towards the audio reservation value whether the MCU is sending an audio stream to that participant or an audio stream is being received.

This value is both a reservation and a limit; the MCU guarantees that this many audio-only participants can connect to the conference, but no more that this will be able to join.

This field is only shown if the MCU is in port reservation mode.

Participant controls
Floor and chair control

Controls "Floor and chair control" settings for this conference. The options are:

  • Do not allow floor or chair control: the use of floor and chair controls is not allowed in this conference
  • Allow floor control only: only floor control is allowed in this conference; chair control is not allowed. Any participant can 'take the floor' so long as no other participant has currently 'taken the floor'
  • Allow floor and chair control: both floor and chair control are allowed in this conference. Any participant can take the floor, and any chairperson participant can take the chair so long as no other participant has currently done so

Some H.323 endpoints support a feature known as floor and chair control that is encompassed by the H.243 protocol. For more information, refer to H.243 floor and chair control.

If you change the Floor and chair control setting for a conference currently taking place, there will be no immediate effect. That is, an existing floor or chair participant will not have that status removed.

If the unit-wide/blade-wide Floor and chair control setting on the Global conference settings page is set to Disabled, it will not be possible to use floor or chair control operations in any conference.

For ad hoc conferences, you can configure the Floor and chair setting through the ad hoc conferences template. You can also edit the Floor and chair setting for active ad hoc conferences.

Layout control via FECC / DTMF

Prevents or permits conference participants changing their view layout or focused participant using far-end camera control (FECC) or DTMF tones or both. Choose from:

  • Disabled: in this conference, participants will not be allowed to change their view layout using either FECC or DTMF, unless you have overridden this setting in an endpoint's individual configuration.
  • FECC only: in this conference, participants will only be allowed to change their view layout using FECC, unless you have overridden this setting in an endpoint's individual configuration.
  • DTMF only: in this conference, participants will only be allowed to change their view layout using DTMF, unless you have overridden this setting in an endpoint's individual configuration.
  • FECC with DTMF fallback: in this conference, participants will be allowed to change their view layout using FECC. If FECC is not available, this participant will be able to use DTMF.
  • FECC and DTMF: in this conference, participants will be allowed to change their view layout using both FECC or DTMF unless you have overridden this setting in an endpoint's individual configuration.

You may want to prevent participants from changing their view layout in a managed conference, or classroom environment.

This is a per-conference option, but you can still configure Layout control via FECC / DTMF on a per-participant basis.

For ad hoc conferences, you can configure Layout control via FECC / DTMF through the ad hoc conferences template. You can also edit this setting for individual active ad hoc conferences.

When calling out to an endpoint, if you have configured Layout control via FECC / DTMF for that endpoint, it will override this setting (otherwise the endpoint will use the conference configuration for this setting).

This setting will apply to endpoints which connect to the conference via an auto attendant or by dialing in directly.

Send camera control to participants

Specifies whether FECC or DTMF or both may control a far end camera. This setting combines with layout control via FECC/DTMF to control the camera of the far end and the layouts of the conference.

  • Disabled: in this conference, participants will not be allowed to control a far end camera using either FECC or DTMF, unless you override this setting in an endpoint's individual configuration.
  • FECC only: in this conference, participants will be only be allowed to control a far end camera using FECC.
  • DTMF only: in this conference, participants will be only be allowed to control a far end camera using DTMF.
  • FECC with DTMF fallback: in this conference, participants will be allowed to control a far end camera using FECC. If FECC is not available, this participant will be able to use DTMF for camera control.
  • FECC and DTMF: in this conference, participants will be allowed to control a far end camera using either FECC or DTMF.

There are two control mechanisms, FECC and DTMF, either (or both) of which can be used for camera control and/or layout control. If one mechanism is allowed for camera control but not for layout control, then that mechanism only controls the far end camera and does not affect the layout. Similarly, if one mechanism is allowed for layout control but not for camera control, then it is not possible to control the camera with that mechanism. In these cases, the endpoint can use FECC or DTMF controls directly to change the layout or adjust the far end camera.

When one control mechanism can control either the layout or the far end camera, then that mechanism will always control the layout until 'Zoom in' (FECC mechanism) or '1' (DTMF mechanism) is pressed. The control mechanism then switches over to control the camera.

Far-end camera control always applies to the camera of the participant shown in the largest or top left pane (when panes are the same size). If you have no way to control the layout, then you cannot focus on a participant to allow you to adjust a particular camera.

Mute in-band DTMF

Set the option for the muting of in-band DTMF sent from endpoints in this conference. Note that this sets the conference configuration for this option, but you can also override it for individual endpoints in the conference (through the configuration of the individual endpoints). Choose from the following (the setting will be applied to all endpoints in the conference that are configured to use the conference configuration for Mute in-band DTMF):

  • Never: the in-band DTMF will never be muted. Any DTMF tones sent from these endpoints will be audible to conference participants.
  • Always: the in-band DTMF will always be muted. Any DTMF tones sent from these endpoints will not be audible to conference participants.
  • When used for MCU control: if a participant is using in-band DTMF to control conference layout and for other in-conference features, the tones will be muted and will not be audible to conference participants. The MCU will only expect a participant to use DTMF for MCU control if Layout control via FECC / DTMF or Send camera control to participants is set to DTMF only, FECC and DTMF, or FECC with DTMF fallback and FECC has not been established, or if the participant is able to use the in call menu.

This is a per-conference option, but you can still enable or disable the muting of in-band DTMF on a per-participant basis.

In some circumstances, you might need to override this setting for individual endpoints. For example, where a conference is cascaded onto an audio bridge, it might be useful for one of the participants in that conference to be able to send in-band DTMF to the MCU. This is for the purposes of sending the conference ID or PIN to the audio conferencing bridge. In this case, the Mute in-band DTMF setting for the endpoint of that participant needs to be Never (and you configure this in an endpoint's configuration, see Configuring an H.323 endpoint and Configuring a SIP endpoint).

For ad hoc conferences, you can configure the Mute in-band DTMF setting through the ad hoc conferences template. You can also edit the Mute in-band DTMF setting for individual active ad hoc conferences.

In call menu for chair

In call menus allow conference participants to control many aspects of a conference while on a call without needing to access the web interface. These are controlled using menus accessed via the control keypad. Pressing * on the keypad activates the in call menus. Read more about these menus in the conference features topic.

The in call menus can be made available to chairs only, or to both chairs and guest participants, or disabled completely.

This parameter configures in call menus for chairs.

Chairs can be configured to have access to the in call menus at one of three command levels.

Choose between:

  • Disabled: The in call menu is not available to participants in this conference.
  • Level 1 - Local: Local commands - request floor, mute/unmute audio and video, change layout, view participants.
  • Level 2 - Conference: Level 1 commands plus Conference commands - assign floor to a participant, mute/unmute audio or video of participants, lock the conference, disconnect all participants, change a participant's volume, send DTMF tones to a participant, disconnect a participant.
  • Level 3 - Advanced: Levels 1 and 2 plus Advanced commands - add participant, add/change PIN/guest PIN.
In call menu for guest

In call menus allow conference participants to control many aspects of a conference while on a call without needing to access the web interface. These are controlled using menus accessed via the control keypad. Pressing * on the keypad activates the in call menus.

The in call menus can be made available to chairs only, or to both chairs and guest participants, or disabled completely.

This parameter configures in call menus for guests.

Guests can be given access to Local commands only.

Choose between:

  • Disabled: The in-call menu is not available to participants in this conference.
  • Level 1 - Local: Local commands - request floor, mute/unmute audio and video, change layout, view participants.
Content mode

The MCU can decode and then re-encode incoming content to ensure that the majority of participants can receive the content. This is the Transcoded content mode.

The MCU can also retransmit the content without having to decode it, which is known as Passthrough mode. In this mode, the incoming content packet stream is repackaged and sent to endpoints in the conference that are capable of decoding the original stream. Passthrough mode does not use up a content port for that conference.

The MCU also has a Hybrid content mode. In Hybrid mode, the incoming content stream is passed through to participants who are able to support the same codec as the original content stream (the Passthrough content stream). The MCU also encodes a stream, using the specified Outgoing transcoded codec, for endpoints who cannot decode the Passthrough content stream. Hybrid mode uses up a video port.

Choose from:

  • Disabled: The MCU does not transmit content.
  • Passthrough: The MCU does not transcode the content before transmission. The data is simply repackaged then sent to endpoints that support the original codec.
  • Hybrid: The MCU sends a passthrough stream to eligible endpoints, and a transcoded stream to other endpoints that advertise support for the Outgoing transcoded codec.
  • Transcoded: The MCU decodes the incoming stream and re-encodes it using the Outgoing transcoded codec, before sending it to all endpoints that support the Outgoing transcoded codec.

Sending of passthrough content to or from endpoints over encrypted connections is not supported, with the exception of encrypted H.323 to encrypted H.323.

Endpoints that can only support resolutions below the minimum threshold will also only receive transcoded in hybrid, and no content in passthrough mode.

Content previews are not supported in passthrough mode but are supported for hybrid content. In passthrough mode a black panel is displayed.

A default content mode can be set in the conference template.

Outgoing transcoded codec

The codec used to transcode the transcoded stream in transcoded and hybrid content. If hybrid mode is selected and a codec different to the incoming stream is selected, two codecs will be sent: the original codec in the passthrough content stream and the transcoded codec in the transcoded content stream.

Choose from:

  • Automatic

  • H.263+

  • H.264

If Automatic is selected, the MCU will determine the best codec to use that will maximize the number of participants that can receive content.

Content contribution from endpoints

Whether, by default, endpoints are permitted to contribute the content channel for a conference through the mechanism of opening a content video channel.

There can only be one endpoint contributing content video at any one time, and the MCU arbitrates between them. Therefore, even with this parameter set to Enabled, the ability of the endpoint to contribute content video will be affected by other endpoints' behavior.

If this setting is Disabled, it is still possible to enable content contribution on a per-endpoint basis when the conference is active. Similarly, it is possible to disable content contribution from specific endpoints, either while they are connected or via their configuration. For more information about endpoint configuration, refer to Configuring H.323 endpoints and/or Configuring SIP endpoints.

This setting only applies to scheduled conferences. For ad hoc conferences, whether or not endpoints are allowed to contribute content is controlled by the Content contribution from endpoints setting in the ad hoc conference template.

To use content, it must be enabled unit-wide/blade-wide on the Settings > Content page. See Configuring content settings for additional information on MCU-wide content configuration parameters.

Outgoing transcoded resolutions

Choose the resolution for the content channel that will be transmitted to endpoints in this conference:

  • 4:3 resolutions only: the MCU will encode the content and transmit it in a resolution of ratio 4:3
  • 16:9 resolutions only: the MCU will encode the content and transmit it in a resolution of ratio 16:9
  • Allow all resolutions: the MCU will decide on the most optimal resolution depending on information about capabilities sent by the endpoints in the conference
For ad hoc conferences, transmitted content resolution is controlled by the ad hoc conference template.
Minimum outgoing bit rate

This field sets a lower limit on the bandwidth of the shared content video encoding sent to content receivers in a conference.

Changing this setting when there are connected participants causes the MCU to re-assess whether there should be content video channels to those endpoints; the MCU will close existing channels and open new ones as appropriate.

A single content video stream is used for each conference, and this stream will be sent to all endpoints receiving the content channel as a separate video channel. If some endpoints are only able to receive low bit rate streams (for instance if they have called into the MCU at a low call rate), it is sometimes preferable to exclude those endpoints completely from the content stream rather than force all viewers to see a reduced bit rate channel.

If you do not want to exclude endpoints from viewing the shared content video channel in a conference, make sure this is set to <no minimum>, which is the default setting.

Where an endpoint cannot, for whatever reason, receive the content channel as an additional video channel, the MCU can show the content channel as part of the main video channel. That is, the participant will see the content as a pane in the conference layout. This functionality is controlled by the Display content in normal video channel setting (see below).

Note that during a call, an endpoint can send a 'flow control message' to the MCU that could cause the MCU to reduce the bit rate to that endpoint to below the configured Minimum outgoing bit rate; in this case, the MCU will close the content channel to that participant. To re-enable content (which has been disabled in this way) to this participant, go to the conference's Participant list and use the content enable control. For more information about altering a participant's settings during a conference, refer to Viewing the conference participant list.

Preferred minimum passthrough resolution The minimum resolution that will be passed on to endpoints If an endpoint that can only receive content below the minimum joins a conference, the endpoint will not be sent a passthrough content stream or a transcoded content stream. If the MCU receives content with a resolution below this setting, then it will use the received resolution as the minimum instead.Grayed out if Content mode set to Transcoded or Hybrid.
Start time and duration
Start time

The time at which the conference will begin.


Start date

The date on which the conference will begin.

Set to current time

Sets the conference start time to the current time on the MCU.

The current time on the MCU is determined by the settings in the Settings > Time page, which can only be modified by the administrator. See Displaying general status for additional information.


Allows you to retain a conference and its settings for an infinite period of time.


Maximum duration

Limits the duration of the conference for one instance of the conference.

These fields are not available or necessary for conferences set to permanent.


Which days and / or weeks the conference repetitions will occur.

The repetitions will always start at the same time of day: the conference's configured Start time (see above), and will last for the same amount of time: the configured Maximum duration.

The start date is taken into account when determining when the first repetition should occur. For instance, if the start date is a Wednesday and the conference is scheduled to repeat every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then it will occur only on Wednesday in the first week and on all three specified days in subsequent weeks.


If a conference is set to repeat, its repetitions can be configured to go on forever, stop after a certain date, or to occur only a certain number of times.

The first activation of a conference counts as a "repetition", so configuring a conference to repeat but terminate after 1 repetition is equivalent to it not repeating at all.

Adding configured endpoints

You can choose to pre-configure endpoints to be part of a conference. These endpoints will be automatically invited into the conference by the MCU. This is useful if you regularly invite the same participants into a conference. To select which previously configured endpoints will be pre-configured for this conference, press Pre-configured participants. (This button may also show a number in parentheses to indicate the number of participants that are currently pre-configured). Refer to Adding participants for more details.

Using IDs and PINs

There are two types of conference participant: chairperson and guest. IDs and PINs allow participants to connect to conferences as the correct participant type.

Chairperson participants use Numeric ID and optionally, PIN; guest participants use Guest numeric ID and optionally, Guest PIN.

A conference will not begin until the first chairperson joins. This means that guests will see a black screen/hear silence with on screen text 'Waiting for conference chairperson' and an audio prompt after five seconds and then every minute thereafter.

You can control the behavior when the last chairperson leaves the conference (that is the When only guests remain setting). The two options are:

The permitted ID and PIN combinations are as follows:

Note that participants dragged and dropped into a conference on the web interface will be chairperson participants. Where no IDs or PINs are configured for a conference, all participants will be chairpersons regardless of how they join.

H.323 and SIP registration

Both Numeric ID and Guest numeric ID can be registered with an H.323 gatekeeper and/or SIP registrar to enable participants to dial in to conferences directly and as the correct participant type. The Numeric ID registration setting applies to both IDs.

Audio-only participants

Audio-only participants can be guest or chairperson participants by connecting to a conference using either a Guest or Chairperson ID. In the case of an audio-only guest, if no chairperson has yet joined the conference, they will hear an audio prompt informing them of that. The conference will start when the first chairperson joins.

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