MCU 5310
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Viewing and adjusting a participant's audio levels

  1. Go to Conferences.
  2. Click a Conference name and then click on a participant's name.
  3. Click the Audio tab.

Waveforms and statistics

Applying gain and muting audio

Use the controls described in the following table to adjust the active participant's audio levels, then click Update to apply your changes.

Field Field description Usage tips
Gain control

You can apply one of the following four gain control options by selecting the associated radio button:

  • Use conference configuration: the participant inherits the conference's AGC setting.

  • Disable AGC: do not apply AGC to the audio from this participant.

  • Enable AGC: apply AGC to the audio from this participant.

  • Apply fixed gain: enter a dB value by which to adjust the participant's audio gain; a positive gain amplifies, and a negative gain attenuates, the participant audio. 1dB is approximately 60% change, 3dB is approximately 100% change and 5dB is approximately 300% change. For example, if the participant sounds twice as loud as everyone else, apply -3dB gain.

The selected gain control option is effective immediately, and persists until the participant leaves or the conference ends.

If you need to set AGC in advance, you can do so on a per conference or per participant basis. You can apply AGC when inviting ad hoc participants or when preconfiguring endpoints.

The gain control setting on this page - the active participant's audio page - takes precedence over any other gain control setting, whether that was preconfigured on the endpoint, the conference, or the template.

Mute in-band DTMF

This control determines whether the DTMF tones from this participant are audible to the conference. You can select one of the following:

  • <use conference configuration>: DTMF from the active participant is either muted or audible to the conference, depending on the conference configuration.

  • Disabled: DTMF from this participant is audible to the MCU and is transmitted on to the other participants.

  • Enabled: DTMF from this participant is audible to the MCU but is not transmitted on to other participants.


mute participant audio

Prevents others from hearing this participant (like mic. mute).


stop muting participant audio

Allows others to hear this participant (stop muting participant).


mute conference audio to this participant

Prevents this participant from hearing the conference (like speaker mute).

Note: The endpoint may not always detect DTMF tones from the MCU after you mute the audio from the MCU.


stop muting conference audio

Allows this participant to hear the conference (stop muting conference).